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Trademark Policy

ScreenBeam Trademark Policy

ScreenBeam trademarks are valuable assets that ScreenBeam needs to protect. We ask that you help us by properly using and crediting ScreenBeam trademarks in accordance with these guidelines. This policy regulates the use of all forms of the name “ScreenBeam” including product names, slogans, designs, website and domain name usage.

Guidelines for Use of Existing ScreenBeam Trademarks

Permissible Use

You may generally use ScreenBeam trademarks to refer to the associated ScreenBeam products or services. For instance, an authorized reseller can note in its advertisements that it is selling SceenBeam wireless display solutions. Similarly, a ScreenBeam customer may issue a press release stating that it has deployed ScreenBeam.

Prohibited Use

ScreenBeam trademarks can not be used in a manner which could cause confusion as to ScreenBeam sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement.

Company, Product or Service Names

Do not use ScreenBeam trademarks or potentially confusing variations as all or part of your company, product or service names.


For more information regarding use of ScreenBeam logos, please contact ScreenBeam corporate marketing for brand and logo usage guidelines.

Domain Names

It is never permissible to use ScreenBeam trademarks or potentially confusing variations in your Internet domain name or social channels; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.  This helps prevent Internet users from being confused as to whether you or ScreenBeam is the source of the site.

Trademark Symbol

Use the ® symbol with the most prominent appearance of the “ScreenBeam” mark on advertisements, promotional materials and Web pages and the first use of the mark in text or body copy.



Any user declared by ScreenBeam to be in violation of ScreenBeam’s Trademark Policy must cease and desist all uses of the ScreenBeam trademark upon demand by ScreenBeam Inc.